Events - Event View
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Event Contact(s)
Maryann Bracken
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
About this event
The classes are free to members—a monthly fee of $10 for non-members is requested.
Note: New students are requested to register (see below) to receive the link to this class.
A little reminder about Yoga: In addition to attending your yoga classes, remember to practice all
the asanas (always finding your Drishti*) you have learned with Maryann, as well as the 3-phase
pranayama technique: Inhale 1-2-3, Hold 1-2-3-4, Exhale 1-2-3-4-5 (or longer if it feels
comfortable). This breathing practice will manage the flow of energy within your body. Another
important Maryann recommendation: Strengthen your Core. A good example: Repeated Sit-to-
Stand (and sit again!) exercises—those are important for your general well-being.
* Drishti: A soft, focused gaze that is used to enhance concentration and direct attention to the inner
Please register by Feb 16th. Call 203-747-5939 or email to
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